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"Home of the Pioneers"

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Keep Books Happy

How to keep your books happy at Daniel Boone's Library Media Center: 


  1. Store your books in your backpack when you're finished reading them!
  2. Don't take your book out of your backpack on the bus. 
  3. Don't leave your books in your car. 
  4. Be sure your hands are clean.
  5. NO EATING while READING!! Keep books away from food and drinks.
  6. Keep books away from babies, little kids, and pets!
  7. Keep books dry at all times. Protect your books from bad weather. 
  8. Never lay a book face down. Always use a bookmark to save your place. Don't turn the corners down. 
  9. Don't mix your school books with your books at home!
  10. Take care in using a book and report all damages to the librarian for proper fixing. 
  11. Return your books on time so others can enjoy them.